Friday, latiker 2T, If TS 12-01 ReiMit-Cudel-AreiOl 12-04 Rit-Apt-CiiM-riiO 6-B 4T Iclil Relict. DADE COUNTY LOCATOR MAP PREGNANT? 772-0933 COUNTV FREE Tail. LOW Coil, FINANC- IMDEX TO CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING RENTALSSALES RENTALSLEASE 01-00 Housea tor Rent VjAWT vnitna ladles lor lodav 117-771)1 THE MUM! NEWS A1 A. ANNOUNCEMENTS (AT announcements) LriJ lee. VTir.
wo Jt '''jQLiM-iisti 1J 08 1 09 i Andovar lot Horbaor Iluayne Oerelani lluoyne Perk Carol City Coconut Grove Country Clvb ef Miami Corel Ooblal Cutler Rldgo Dodo County N.W. Dodo County Woit Dodo County W. Dodo County ftouth Dodolonol llllott Koylilendie II Portal riorldo City Golden tooeh Gotdon Shore Hlolooh Hloloeh Gordons Homostoad Indian Creek VllloaO fondoll Key Slicoyno lake Lucerne Modloy Miami Tamldtni Trail S.W. 8th St, Sl-lt LtfalStnloat 24 HOUR DIVORCE I99 PLUS COSTS 0. NO Conlesl Divorce S.7S A Colli urainson.
Any. II S.W. BStll St. 3 -29 Hamlin 71 12-U 11 West Dade County Pensuce Medley Hlimh Gardens Area LAKE 2 FRONT corner new i bed-hath, eat in tchen, dish- washer. OISPOSBI, jor caroet, near Westland A metro Away.
I enni, iwn, $395 lOOoi NW Semarl axes. 12-11 Reil-Att-Clidei-Area IS Hialeah Area MATURE couple needed manage rental apt. Partial or rent, tree. -0205 5951 E. 4 Ave.
Apt 8 LOVELY unfurn 1 bedroom apt across from Park A Lake. Carpets, peti a children 1105 W. 7 SI. 121-1535 I "FORN I bedroom I bain coriao reasonable pool-sauna roc tacililies. Polynesian Village Furn S.
unfurn 121? up, story build- 1820 46 St Hia 823- 1B27 BEDRbOM wlh balcony on lake, pool, gas not wator naru. mv Ct. Hiaiean apt i. AOTci RAdroom si5 per monio area 558-4760 Mr, Scott BEAUTIFUL KENSINGTON CLUB LARGEST APT5. In Hialeah.
full Including security, guards. 2 Starr Pools saunas, recreation center. Exotic gardens with serpentina walks. Parking spaces galore. Walk largest shopping area In Miami.
Public schools end churches nearby Free hot weter. Breakfast bar, full bath, plastic coated kitchen walls easy clean no, gas stove, carpet, frost-free refrigerator, central air and heal? Rental office In A building, API AI01, 1DU maj 1230 54 St. 823-6411 "OELIJXE alr-cond apt Sio, Patio, oooL carpet, laundry 754-0203 Ketunoapie tee ADnc ECFIIFNf'lhS Week or Month. Alr-cond, utilities, linln Included. Pool A sundeck, pets OK "rt OSE to airoort.
Efficiency. lpoi. AdultsT no pets. 99 9 St. 887-1373 B2-1S 1S Miami Springs, Virginia Gardens Area WINCHESTER HOUSE.
BEDROOM furn-unfurn. apts. Large pool, sauna room, central air and heal, carpeting. No children or l9e60NW38St 871-6613 enJGy soCial Life Edgewater APIs a'lrac'tvelv urn, Jr bedroom, pool, adults no pets. 1077 NW 45 Ave 447-978) $190 EFFICIENCY BEDROOM Enioy social life.
LeJeune Gardens attractively furn, pool, no pels 4301 MW 8 Ter. $190 UP. 446-9086 new Fresh look WALK to airlines, I apts from $195, pool A fishing dock. can obi-iju 1 2 BEDROOM aots available. Jia7-797 L6VELV apts naxt to golf course, i i UAAt Ai i.n Aio, i inf iin tfAn, fclaron ur ivxanarz 2-20 Renl-Afl-Condei-Arei Z0 Coconut Grove SE sw Downtown Miami Area MODERN 3 Bedroom Apt.
$400 up monrniy uan wt i VAATFPFDONT Beautiful 1 bed room 1 bath, security system near hospital downtown, government cen-ter, airports. 634-7754 EFFICIENCY furn near oay, i mature person, no pets, PRIVATE 1 bedroom, garage $175 air-cond carpet park 754-02UJ leiecr-A-numc -tiunBgwia BRICKELLAREA Brand new luxury 1 bedroom con vertibles wilh bay View. Hortensla Smith, Reator. Maria Agullera, Assoc 858-3117f 448-3210 eves THE COLUMNS MA-l 3.1 Tropical environment luxurious bedroom 2 bath penthouse, large terrace, sa'a monrn. iu wow nam tiz-itiio TTo rnnd turn 1 nedroom apt.
2535 SW 27 St Call 279-0352 FURN new efficiency air cono i lOUIt SI3U Utllltiej oaa-BBa, 1036 NW 5 St. 2 bedroom air-cono Oin 971-1779 zi- COZY model studio Jipo, near bus-lines, breakfast nook 754-0203 piecT-A-nome tKiuimauic-icc. trirciricnjrv ar mrtrt turn nice Sits monrn iu sw ve q-jqq Furnished Elegance rnovur'Uhlf in Brlckell area on the BAYFRONT In prestigious apt building. 24( Hr. security.
$850 month on 1 vear least or $1400 month seasonal, flPFNING SOON HOTEL BOUNTY Efficiencies, 1 bedrooms A bedrooms available for daily weekly A monthly rental. For information 445-8368 nenvp Ant 7 bedroom unfurn carpet central air 235-0480 12-10 10 Northeast Miami Area Unfurn. Club Apartments On Siicaynt Say From $300 per month (unfurnished) Usury Livios a 2 Soiatoiiai Fiats Tfiisuility Sinai litdt Tea.ia Curt litr.iliti lua SEE MANAGER 601 NE 39th ST. 573-2265 121-12 RintAatCtniesAra12 Northwest County Northside Jr Cotlege Area IelJiir.lMKI r-H a Shag carpeting a Electric stove a Air Cond. (Optional) a Frost-free refng.
(Optional) 4 Pools a Nighttime Security Lighting vry Aij.rtmcnt Overlookt, i Munificent 100 Acte Like SilVER BiyE IAK.E -in Hit- tniddlit W.rti 1401 N.W. 103rd STREET 103f tat i 1 tit Phone: 693-0122 2-13 Ritit-Aal-Ciaeos-Aria 13 Norland, Andover -Sierra, Like Lucerne Area Miami snares Biscaye ram El Portal Area air cond, 1st floor, hi" painted, new stove, carpetes, terrace, 1 block Shopping" no pels, yearly lease. 931-7015 rl All lot SizSj.carpat, nt CT71. Cal eat-In kitchen, park Refundable fee ibm bedroom apt SiS 1 plus s- elderly adults 1i9 NE 3 Av MODERN 2 be; 1)01 NE 10 SI ERN 2 bedroom, pool, neari cttiripwr'Y bedroom I.E. I10SI ipartment S15S H-471I L6wtSR Lovers.
A Garden Villa 5 by bay. Also ituaig756674T 12-10 10 Normal it nniami ro tile both patio yaro aeieci-ft-norrie rciu'imbuh nir Rivd larae furn. unfurn nil I-J6UJ. oj-iruJ MJ UP 31-JOUJ, MriMTH 1 bedroom unfurn, 3500 NWiAye245 513p cxi inCWT cliin efficiency air cond uttlities 576-3263. 531-0093 FLOWER Lovers.
SZZ3 py Pay, wiso iuum OMNI area adults .1 bedroom edroom air- cond pool 455 NE 33 St 576-3yvu. OTEreuB nave pienivr wan 279 IB u. vuryiiY m3l-v. WE DO INI HErts. i iris.
Registered Broker lfiilENCY furn air cpna.XX- large 1 NE 78 St 68-tu troe i nr. to ai --baV Park Towers 33pl.Ni 5 Avj Omnl.area, bavvlew. i bedroom bath luxury Hl-Riw. Call 358-77H Mr Gershen 2BEDROOM furn.SZ75 aircono ir. NE 25 St 573-3868 Bayfront Pool WALK TO OMNI.
PARKING, Modern Sludios. Air-cond. Adults 7u dt ar. "iu ON THE BAY NEAR OMNI -riencv 1 bedroom, pool, fish, park adults 725 Wfa i at.
WATERFRONT location turn sir- 1 bedroom apt pool, ShBta dnrk. adu Is nO POtS 555 NE St apt 10. 53-4 III BAY Park Towers Hignrlse Unfurn Baa-rnnm WUrfmnt. fctt CiehCV All amenities bayfront 4th floor 1 bedroom Vh bath pool dock 7899 NE Bavshore Ct. 649-64 or eiy-QMr A BARGAIN APT.
1 BEDRUUM Air cond carpet adults $185 1070 W. 95 TERR. 1-983-4500 mf ar nmnl efficiency 6. 1 bed room furn 250 NE 32 St 53-846 r.i tui Mmma onn -orner amenities large efficiency S10-II85 occupancy 4 UCUiuumi eC 1 325-96113 12-11 Rut-Aat-Cendet-Arull Northwest nniami Area separate it. ctnn mnnth InrliidlnQ utilities alia, 17 Ct 17J.OAB1 TOJ lit.
I. Jl 't TOBPhpnOM NW S. SW Section 8 welcome. 854-0825 -0825 8am- ipm ucnodnM turn ana hot water Included. $185 per month plus security.
Adults only. No pets. 45 NW 156 St 754-9188 8295 NW 4 Ave 1 BEDROOM SlJs Security 531-3184. 545-0567 r- lj-l ICC N.rJRlMF,SrMH,0lc,i,,l Studio $175 2BedroomS275 Itw i nrt.
iti 74-0900 9-5 7 Days r-I -mall' C174 nln. S7. sectiFity. aircond i ylrl 634-5234 Sanm- iJama Dad ini-IBiKlkt, IAA nchbnnAA unfurn adults 1165. ICall 576-3263 or 531-0093 CIVIC Center-1 bedroom, sa i-mint a.
Donus ior wi nice un Ills 666-0039 "i.isi rwAinnn a OTC 1 Bedroom $200 2 Bedroom $225 TENNIS-2 t-yui-a-r-cit uvft 1 1 iaai rtvv ta a Telephone 638-2690 untnitai rM wntk to work. Modern furn carpeted, central air, pool garden apt. 1 bedroom $215, 2 bedroom $265, J74-0IUI 133 Ptw wm. 2-12 Rial Aet Coatlei Arei 12 Northwest County Normsiae Jr Colleoe Area mil 1 nanmnm nrlt all utilities, 33BU NW at. eyi-aaoa JBU IMW It at.
oti-jjp-, LAKE SHORE APTS tare Akl TUC I AhTF 1 B.Hrnnm S200 Pool, central, air, carpeting, 95 St mnn tua ai.AJ HC CT HOW" low Mon-Sat PM! WEST CLUB NW 27 AVE AND 117 ST REASONABLE, short term leases Room Mate Refer- rai service popi a wjj-vji 2-13 Rirtl-Aat-CiBdii-Arn 13 Norland.Anoover Sierra, Lake Lucerne Area incT AAIn.ita awav from all Miami, Miami Beach Brwd( Located on the Golden Glades Inter change. LIFTER'S Cloverleaf Gardens 17700 NW 2 AVE All the features, convenience A ele gance found in on expensive condo. 18,2 BEDROOM APTS Starting from $2.15 month TOWNHOUSES A HOUSES 651-4108 M2-7M7 G0LDEN6LADES Garden Apartments 17600 NW 5th Ave. nU Dt .,1 MnrtK nt 1-94 Hover- leaf interchange. Convenient lo all of Dade 8.
Broward County. Swimming pool, Shufleboard. VVall tp Wall Shag Carpet, Central Air A Heal, All ClCCiriV. wnj olete Maintenance, Lowest rents in he area DCUKUVm rr-rr ivici. Office Open 7 Days LAKE LUCERNE ESTATES tmctency spi 1 E- I AISO it Oi UCUiuum OKU.
rsa inciuae wati-waii snau caryei. renira ar. 0001 aas-unir. -qui FROM $175 EFFICIENCY 2 Bedroom 2 Bath CARPPollE-sDpia BAOirtAfAV UrtlKF 651 NW 177 St. 652-7410 2-15 Rinl-Aft-CiridH-Afii 15 Ope Locke Area AIRCOND 1 bedroom $175, pool.
carpet, tile batn, eqyipr 'm-wim aeiecr-A-nome rcetuiiuquie tcc FURN air cond efficiency weekly adults 681-3072 552-5612 $33 7CAn nW 179 St. $175 I bedroom air cond-carpet-fenced. 264-5906 LUXURIOUS 1 2 bedrooms, large pool, sundeck, elevator, from $200. 2405 NW 135 5). 68i-J62y B2-1S irii IS Miami Lakes Palm Springs North Country Club Of Miami Area MIAMI LAKES EXECUTIVE APTS Furn 1 8.
2 bedrooms, yearly rental. Adults 8. no pets. Golf, tennis, pool racquet ball. For Information call 7501 Miami Lakes Or, Miami Lakes us re 12-13 13 Norland, Andover Slerra.Lako Lucerne Area 6900 BISC Blvd rooms, apis Irom a week 751-603.
754-7250 NEAR Bay sparkling corner furn unfuVST bedVoom 2 air cond, brown carpet, pool S275. 480 NE 30 St tin DmNn rarDeiea uaiuBii room Pa rlly Ul No Ind 10 Hia to tile lor 2 1 I 02-00 Apartments-Condominums for Rent D3-00 Townhouses for Rent 04.00 Duplexes-Triplexes Fourpleaes for Rent Db-00 Other Rentals (Including Mobile Homes) 05-01 Hotels Motels D5-02 Rooms Room A Board D5-07 Retirement Rentals OS-10 Rental Exchanges D5-12 Rentals to Snare D5-12 Rentals to Share OS-1 Wanted to Rent 05-22 Miscellaneous Remals 05- 40 Mobile Homes Rent D5-41 Mobile Home Lots Rent Lease 06- 00 Other Florida Reman. D7-00 Out of State Rentals E-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1-00 Homes for E2-00 tor Sale E3-00 Townhouseti lor bale E4-00 Duplexes-Triplexes. Fourplexes for Sale 5-00 Other Sales (Including Mobile F6-00 Other Florida Sates E7-00 Out ot State Sales Eb-05 R.E. Exchanges E5-07 R.E.
Auctions E5-09 Loans Insurance Appraisals r'j-11 Residential Lots E5-13 Wanted Residential Properly E5-16 Mibcellaneuirj Real folate E5-17 Prop. Management E5-2 1 Farms Groves Acreaije E5-22 Wanted Farms Groves Acreage E5-36 Mobile Homes and Lotj E5-37 Mobile Homes Sale E5-39 Mobile Home Lots For Sale Home Lot Financing Insurance ES-42 Supplies, Service Equipment. Accessories E5-45 Towing E5-46 Wanted Mobile Horner. E5-50 Mobile Home Trailer Parks E5-S1 Acreage-Zoned COMMERCIAL BUSINESS -FINANCIAL Gt COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SALL G1-01 Lots, Sites G1-05 Apartment biler. 01-10 Business Properly Investment Prurjerly Gt-20 Commercial Industrial G1-25 Want Industrial Business Investment Property Gt-30 Apts.
Hotels. Molels 1-35 Want Apts. Hotels. Motels G1-40 Apts. Hotels, Molels Miami Beach 1-45 Income Property Residential G1-47 Want Income Procerty G2-RENT.
LEASE 'COMMERCIAL G2-01 Ollices, Desk, space G2-05 Stores G2-10 Business Property G2-20 Commercial Industrial G2-30 Rent Miscellaneous G2-40Want 12-04 Reat-Apt-Ceidis-Area 04 Miami Beach North Bay Village Area rrwrfflciencv or studio. block-ocean, bus golf 532-6602 FURN Pulmanelte, clean, secure, hopping, utilities Included S95-S100 Wasnlngton Ave WATERFRONT lovely.l bedroom furn-unfurn dock 864-Z839 861-auru CI Ift i-LIASE Luxury Miami Beach apt. II ocat.ii OKI, i i-rntpH And rirHDt room 1 bati Darn, can 79th ana Loitins. weekdays fnwNHrtliSr? Aaii Waterfront pool dock 71 St. beach 864-uyy birD AhiriV 1CI S140-S180 Month $45-150 Week r-ooi ir cono anoMMinu ao- Knightsbridge Apts Furn super luxury studio or ,1 bed nm hualH nnnf.
free oarklno. foi those who demand only, the finest. Month, season, year aei-aw nn week Furn air cond, ocean! 3801 Indian creek pr mi-mj lAA-rFRcferiNt-prtoL 7825-7835 CRESPI Blvd MB. 3 Bed room 2 bath $5,700 a vear. i bedroom 1 bath $2,880 year.
3Jnfurn, air cond. Children over 12. Can be wen 3PM-6PM everyday i nvPi bedroom aoarlment on nr-oian tVnnt rnnrin hnildlna DOOl Cen tral air fully furnished, magnificent view. A.J. Perdomo Broker Or 54-41 9 hHrnrim Mots-Furn.
Seasonal yeany ujo weh wve ormn rlMY" I l- HUllies glum ii. n. Private entrance Please call after 4pm bm-mw THE OLIVER HOUSE ON THE OCEAN I nviirw 9 h.H,nnm 7 ftl hatha Ulaml Raarh't firlP.I addrBSS. Over sized rooms, many walk-in closets, carpets drapes included aaaj v-oini llins Ave-865-0566 UNFURN 1 Bedroom Apt. $190 New carpet, parmno, aei-ajya MAGNIFICENT PLAZA WEST nuPBi nOKiNG Biscayne Bay.
Boat docks, heated pool, large patios with gardens and Palms. Two health clubs, beauty salon, recreation rooms, billiards, saunas, underground parking etc. A full staff in- 5'UO" SZ'SKnZn porranon ar yuui uuui, i snopping. two minutes tiuni r.i.i-thnr ruauuv fnr easy access ac cess to all of Miami. Luxurious apts! at everyday prices.
800 WEST AVE 672-2361 755 COLLINS Ave nice air cond llciencv sioo montn i person as nu i innin Ori turn a. unfurn attlciencies I oearoom Me-aaoj ELEGANT RESIDENCE BOSTON PLAZA APTS Aflhl Indian Creek Large 2 Bedroom 2. Bath Apt Lovely Ocean 8. Bavvlew 672-0233 unPMoNny Waterway 2 Bed room 2 bath unfurn $325. Bedroom furn.
$275 tennis. 866-7573, 538-0731 120 tennis, uoit, oeacrt, uu MONA LISA Mu siisiiBhls 1 hnHrnnm 11 bath luxgrious apt, turn A unfurn, 4450 1,1 Ct A rnllinc Rnnmi aDts $42 week up kids, pets 931-7912 LINCOLN Rd. 1 bedroom IV bath converts to 2 bedroom fully turn. POO 373 iOOI snopping, yeariy-aeaautiai I6B7 1 npnpnnM FurnUnfurn Season Yearly 521-8027 FEFiriFMriFS with utilities 1521 Lenox Ave ea-yaop CLEAN furn efficiency 8, 1 bed room apl close beach reasonable 1200 EUCIIO JU 5T-lQllin5 30I-4U4 $50 WEEK FURN Utilities included, pool, TV, alrcond. public beach 8, park.
Beach Motel 8601 Harding Ave 866-)iu BLOCK to Lincoln Rc bedroom furn $175 month 531-9951 59-66Y not unfurn furn 2 bed- room Biarrltl Collect 456-3400 WINTER SEASON Cam lliOn tn t7100. Kitchenettes, near Beach S. Lincoln Rd. London House Apt Hotel 538-5532 ufJip i lurfSi an Spacious furn efficiencies bed room apts. From $120 inciuaing uttii- Micnigan dji-ou NORMANDY HOUSE Furn or unfurn apts located on bay.
Walk to all shopping, carpet, 2 pools. Shuffleboard, A boardwalk. A few 1 A 2 bedroom apts available for im mediate occupancy. 1006 Bay Or Normandy Isle 864-2281 APTS. Rooms $25 week up also yearly- 237-38 ai NORMANDY ISLE YEARLY OR SEASONAL 1 BarlrAnrn Cum rif llnftlffl 864-8658 861-4449 I A cr.B 1 htrirnnm nnfiirn cnrDCt- eq ciean bouits a' bo3-o3.
nuUMCP PAVS UTILITIES: Attractive efficiencies, pulmanettes, Block to Lincoln Rd, new carpet appliances. $120 to $150 yearly. 1543 Mtcnigan Ave aJa-Jiyi. ncnnM furn. Nsar everv- thing, eason or veanv.
aj4-j. nEAIITIEIII lra hpflroom rSB' sonable season or year 861-6378 $45 Week AIRI S6RVICI OND-TV-POOL -j iucut.PiPl( MS 9208 coiiins Ave BOQ-o lao 1 rforoom turn Newlv decorat ed Yearly-Season 6910 Byron Aye corner ey ar yam iv.a-pm n.i.,v. mnrfar. frAm iirin.rnaucs smu monrn. t-ujaof APT tnr rent unfurn Kennedy House Condo 2 bedroom 2 both, recreation facilities, $475.
For appt. call ci coo-fa- nriwi. iiiiu rn. collins Ave $475 2 bedroom air cond neat 931-703 tii-vn KING COLE 291 2 Miami aeacn North Bay Vieaae Area CARLTON BAY 2821 NE 163 ST. Ideally located.
Sunny Isles Cswy between Collins, Ave B'SC. Deluxe, fully, carpeted, Mutiful spacious apts. ONLY VERY FEW APTS LEFT Immediate or future Kcuoancy. AT EVERYDAY PRICES 2 Bedroom convertibles All with Jlull baths Pool, boating, shuHleboard, Card room sauna 45-0443 12-05 Rent Apts-Ceadti Aril OS surtsiee eay naroer Bal harbour Indian Creek Village Aril DAV 1 bsdroom aots. Phone 864-5420 or 864-aue UTIFUL 7 bedroom 2 batn apt healed pool 86i-yvj or aoi-uu address of distinction.
2 Bedroom i 2 bath unfurn. pets. VVaterfront, Uailirf nnn th no docK. DOat OOCK, 9291 E. Bay Harbor Dr, Agent on i.
i DKIUini newly octui qibu u7 jorri unfurn. charming unit buiia- "BaL HARBOUR COLOnV Brand Mrae. Bedroom 2 bath S. 3 bedroom hlA nr-fii nani-u 1mm CASO Bal Bay Dr 861 -2602 866-5992 iv Dr 86I-6UI ooo-97 ST BAY HARSOK T135 Clean spacious furn bedroom opt 754-473 Surfside Homes CALL TO SEE 9156 Froude-2 bedroom 2 bath Furn ssoo monrn (yearly. 9108 Abbott-3 bedroom 2 bath Unfurn S650 Month (yearly) Central air-freshly -pointed Close to bus, beach, stores KUtn yun Sb" iiil.QAih it Inc.
866-6211 WATERFRONT bedroom turn. ksb-nnu tinrk $350 yearly basis 864-0433 861-6643 I iiviidv nroanfrnnt 1 edroom 2 bath convertible 1-922-8935 2-OS Rsnl-Aat-Cendei-Aril OS Sunny Isles Goioen iseacn Golden Shores Area wjiwcTnw towers 2 bedroom 2 bath corner wrap-a-round terrace New cerper ro a year J4-4I6V, tTQurcnon Uiuki 7 larae bed rooms 2 bath extras S395 238-9631 Arlen House East unfurn. yearly rentals. 1 bedroom. S390.
convertible S500 per month. MermjraiRoaJtyBroker? 12-07 Rent Apt Cannes Am 01 Norm Miami Doacn Sky Lake ryes Estates Area Coastal Towers I IIVIIDV MI-SIKP 2-2 BEDROOM 2 bath, apts, ,400 Kings PI. Dr. (off 1S St Collins Ave.) Mr. Guv Goulet, Mgr.
945-6326 acnDnnKA unlnr-n rpntral air A heat bus-shops 565 NE 149 St apt 3 VERY Nice 2 Bedroom Unfurn. apt. Corner, central air, carpel. Adults $250 9 45- 4 555 NMB SUTTON PLACE APTS Beo- Munilahle No IpetS 999 NE 167 St 651-8731 16151 18 PLACE IDailrnnin in) linfllPfl mroet. 3r0e Mnn Vtt-iBM Or 1 AND 2 Bedroom furn and unfurn mts.
pool, sauna, air cond Reason able 2350 NE 173 St call 941-074 MODERN furn efficiency, Shag carper aircono siau. tji-qtp. BIG 2 3 BEDROOM $270 A $325 pets y4-173 or 03 1 -oaaa "EASTERN SHORES LUXURY Unfurn 2 Bedrooms 2 Bath Pool Adults 3868 Nfj 169 St. 945-2941 Kross Keys tan7 Me Pa.ttarn Shores De luxe umurn aois bath, 2 bedroom 2 bath no children, no pels. Self-cleaning oven, garbage disposal, dishwasher, central air heat, dock, healed pool, sauna, rec room, parking.
Keniai unn.e tit-iwpi AArtncDW (urn 1 hAiimom shaa carpet pool $195. 932-396V, yzy-0BBj MODERN Convenient 1-2 bed- wnnm ante iinfiirn. ntr cond-heat, new caroetinoa parking, walk to shoppy s.o?csS.NopS 16185 NE 19 rt aya-xnuapt. BEDROOM season, turn screened terrace, pool, social adm ties, walk to everything 866-5948 Summerwinds LUXURY APTS Choice 1 iedroom 1 bath 11 bedroom 2 bath apts. Inc udlng carpets, drapes, GE kitchen, extra large closets.
Spectacular facilities Tn a lustily landscaped selling. Heated pool, lighted tennis courts, health club saunas, sundeck A beautiful club house with billiard room. 24 Hour guard service. no Cfinut cit-itw STW7 490 NW 165 SI. Rd.
Miami L-SHAPE dining roomj! bedroom 240 carpet alrcond dbk (m-iwu Select-A-Home Refundable fee 1 Bedroom Furn $175 lOO'ffoHOOsTFROM Weekly-Monthly-Yearly All Areas-All Sizes-All Prices ttaitt res-Time 8. Call Today, Relax Tonight rtriAn 9am-9om 7dBVS rccui 4427 No Fee On This Listing Broker bedroom unfurn pool walk to i 7u.lor.TamnlBt 1090l NE 163 5t Manager apt, a 2-0S Norm Miami Biscayne Gardens Area cam 1 or 2 Bedroom furn-unfurn, pool. Par-Morty 891-2330 ASHLEY PLACE Newly remodeled 1 8, 2 bedroorn apts from $230 month. No chit-. dren no Pets.
944-7388. 14850 W. Dixie Hwy. ci id I CT apt 1 bedroom 1'2 bath days 868-0632, alter 6 wj-ayaz SPECIAL t. ea us.
CinHinc.l-? JL 2 bedroom 8PtS 949-3102 I ADr.C 1 harirnnifi 7 halh. 1171 me i-IIaI r.r-it inranru nBtA, mrDpt JL paint, terrace-canal-buses see Sun 12 to 4 133J5 Arcn ureen no AIRCOND model apt pool $150, carpet, tile bath, laundry 754-0203 ae eci--nonie AFftpooM furn air cond carpet $200 yearly call 651-3310 r-i ir A -all- r-nnrl 1 hlnrlf tn VAZ-ti'iz" MrtDTunATF- NF 114 ST. Deluxe furn-unfurn-pool-securlty: childrens playorea: NEAR Jockey Club: Bay: Advent Realty Inc. Broker 891-2720 LES PALMS APTS 17771 UC A Au 94-1784. 893-0658.
Lew rent season-yearly, furn-un- turn. tar, oearoom air t.unu ttuui Sutton Square Apts Very large luxury garden aots. No children or pets. 1 A 2 bedrooms lfv3bNE19Dr. 895-0255 IN hamleestates STUDIOS FROM $190 1 BEDROOM FROM $215 2 BEDROOM FROM $275 3 BEDROOM $345 all floors Immediate A Future Occupancy 4 Tennis courts, 3- swimming pools, courtesy bus, night security, sauna, recreation facilities.
Hot water included in rent. We're sorry no pels. Open Dally 14795 NE IB AVE 949-3102 WATFIPFRONT APT 11900 BAYSHORE 861-3657 OM water swimming pool-other amenities large efficiency 1 bedroom 2. bedroom occupancy uec i ja-roua 1 BEDROOM 1 bath. pool, park- ing, security sysiem, sua montn.
949-3804 KIMBERLY APTS 1660 NE 150 ST. 4 WESTVIEW STUDIOS, 18.2 BEDROOM RENTALS FROM $170 ENCLOSED PATROLLED Nursery A Day Care on premises 12501 NW 27th Ave 688-8881 BAYLUB APTS FROM $185 I Close to ihoppinp. handball, tennis, B2-0S Aint-Apt-Coridis-Arii 00 Miami Shores Bisckye Park El Portal Aree Shoreview Towers 1,2 A 3 BEDROOM APTS Beautifully landscaped grounds with full modern facilities for your enjoyment A convenience. Come by A See Our Mode Aptl Office hours Mon-Frl 1251 NE 108 St. Miami 893-6820 Off Biscayne near Jockey Club Vtt.
NP nniMnni jiiwi- large I penrnom unrurn bmi Fasonal 1 bedroom furn with tinens, Own-r-ftrnkor 759-9191 eves ttt a. rn 757-2887 Bay Harbor Special ic 1 In amcious An "Ei bay. apl, CM! 29 1 I BftOWARD Notth Knrlal it blh SI. 31 2b4lh LOCATOR MAP AREAS 12- Area of Northwest 20 County Northside, Ir. 21 College North 24 -Area of Norland, Andover, Sierra, lake 25 Lucerne Area of Carol City, 26 Myrtle Grove Area ol Opa-locka 27 Area oi Miami Lanes, Palm Springs North, 29 Country Club of Miami Area of West Dade 31 County Pensuco, Medley, 32 Hialeah Gardens Area of Hialeah 33 Area of Miami Springs, Virginia Gardens 3 17- 1S-19- 11-14 Rant-Hamai-Area 14 Caret City, Mvrne iroye reo BEAUTIFUL home for rent or will sell witn oniy sw nown LARGE 2 bedroom plus Fla room tKAbbZ-DU4 NORTHOATE realty Inc Realtors I1-1S RMt-Nenw-Arta IS Opa Locka Aree LOVELY air-cond 2 bedrgom op- tldn; carport, $225 kids OK 754-0203 aeiect-A-rtome KeTunuguic ice MS Riit-Hintl-ArM IS Miami Lakes Palm Springs North Country Club Ot Miami Area TvFMrTvUaTnKkTsTtorneT-? Ka4rnnm-MkA-tnwnhnuses.
water- front. Pine Square Rlty 823-1990 I1-1S Reil-Hariti-Arii IS Area of Hialean ccKircn 1 horirnnm brick uaraae Fie room carpet kids pet 754-0203 eiect-ft-nome xerunuouie tcc I1-1S Reit-Himat-Arta IS Miami Springs, virsmta Gardens Area i AEnennAA family room fenced back yard, washer A dryer, drapes month lease S390. 171-3875 eves 3 BEDROOM 2 bath pool swu month adults 885-7333 or 871-1410 11-20 Reit-Htms-Area 20 Coconut Grove, fc, sw. Downtown Miami Aree RENT with option, 2 story 4 bedroom, hardwood Fla room, carport, kids 8. pets OK.
Low rent. nnany neriiai nuniq, All SW Areas-Sizes-Prices Inc. Broker days 9-9Pm, 443-3836 wo ree i i-ijuhw; TIT kircn 7 inrv 3 bedroom air- cond Fla room $350 carpet 754-0203 sa arr-a-MniTip rpiui uou ice 7 bfdroom air cond washer $280 446-10JU SVV rtlBT. 7onn i hedrnnm 1 bath ir cond carpel lease 442-4726 NICE HOME for Couple oniy. J4 SW zno or.
sou per monrn. or zy-36JJ sanora house $180 month. The Allan Morris rn Panltnr 3S8-1000 3 BEDROOM 2 Bath All features $2.500 a monm w- 1 ru y-o 1-21 Renl-Haraes-Arei21 Coral Gables Area 3 BEDROOM landscaped yard den ircond appliances kids 754-0203 aeiecrAnome rterunuauic icc kll-t an-nl bedroom 3 bath $750. 922 Osorio (off Granada) Open. 667-3404 or 666-7081 UftAAPC.
pno BFNT CONTEMPORARY furn multi-bed room, SCreeneO pool, tal yaiauc, Fla room, lavishly landscaped, won't MANY MANY MORE FANTASTIC 3 bedroom 2 bath, cen tral air, new carpers, nen. uoioyc, screened patio 8, more, underpriced Inc. Broker 7 days 443-3836 rvo ree in i rn FREE RENTAL SERVICE Large luxury home on edge ot Grove, 4 bedrooms, double garage, foyer, patio, kids 8. pets OK. aourn uaoe rxenioi ai louth Dade Rental Specialists BETA REALTY uroner ooi-iaiw 9 RtrhDnriAA 9 hnth.
unfurn. car- pets, carport 444- ip PfflilT trees, fenced 1 bedroom 754-0203 r-nllnna tlfll wirrfttlH DCtl aeiecTMnome rttwuiiuauic ice Aie.rnwn rnrnt-iPri xoi utilities! paid $35 week furn 754-0203 I aeietrwnwmc tcmi iu3uic itcj 1-24 Raat-Hemei-Arei 24 West Miami, South Miami Area AIRCOND 3 bedroom CBS Rancher den carpet pantry kids 754-0203 Selecl-A-Home Refundable fee WON ibst! targe lamny sine nwiw, alrcond, oversized bedrooms, ga- Inc. Broker 443-383 No Fee On This Listing! 1-25 ReRl-Himai-Area 2S WestchosterDaaeiana West FlaeterSweetwater Area 3 BEDROOM 2 bath Florida Onnm iinfurn Tall 1AA-1919 CorB Gables 1st Really Co. Realtor Centu- rv2r LARGE 4 bedroom 3 balh fenced Carper UfSAAFt EnR BFNT nOTiriM tn hnwl wvnlorfrnnt 3 bed- ruuni, no iuuiii, CI. ttni-lr bII appliances, mas un, ipwrein Inc.
Broker 7 days -9pm. 443-3836 No Fee On This Listing! FPFF PFNTAL SERVICE Snapper Creek-2 Story, northern type home on cut de sac, 3 bedroom, oen, rentea lor Homes in All SW Areas. South Dade Rental Specialists Be A HEAL I Broker 661-1548 fcrSO RENT Almost new 3 bedroom. 2 bath, garage. Off Kendall Dr S52S per month V.
Zimmerman Assoc Midtown Rlty nc Realtor 253-5600 nFD 7 hnrtrnnm bath Carpet moaern Kircnen now aeiecr-A-nome KerunoauiB ice CBS aircond 2 bedroom, 1 acre stables, horses $295. 754-0203 aetecr-A-nome Kerunoapie ice I ADnF Dnni hnm. nn hp.utiful fruit treed acre near Oadeland. 3 Dearoom Darn, onicv, varaye, air carpeting, A drapes through- 4e n-r mnntn 7aQ 11 Au. Open Frl.
or Call Sat-Sun 666-705 1-2S Rut-Homei-Arei 21 Southwest Dade County Aree 4 BEDROOM 2 bath on Winston 1-21 Kendal-Perrine-Culler Ridge Area 6FF OLD CUTLER ROAO 7421 SW 172 St iMMFniATP nrrtiPANCV pulet street In Delmar Estates. Sea- clous 3 bedroom 2 balh 2 car garage home on fenced vi acre. Parliallyi covered 20X 50 Palmello Schools. For appt ball Z3I-I49 or 444-UIW 3 BEDROOM 2 both Howatu or. Pa me to area, occupancy Nov I.
S550 month KFnnnnwi both duoley. Screened patio. Near Dadeland, S435 monrn. n. Anuersun, a.k.r tnr.
668-1931 Eve 253-366(1 o. "5 1 Golden GNeiDr 16 JfV.W.13MhStJ2 18 1 12 17 1 1 19 Yn 25 "if -34 LIMITED number of racquet-ball memberships, $80 annual YWC 05-351 10 dis- counf with this art Pregnant dff Trcriwri LOW COST TERMINATION Women's Guidance Center Are You PregnanT? We Can Halpl PREGNANT PREGNANCY1 VIP CARE, IN 652-0768 PREGNANT? You Are Entitled to. The Best! WOMAN'S CARfc 576-3500 A Non Protlt Organization BLOOD DONORS $12 MON-FRI 685-0385 14901 NW 7 Mia Knickerbocker Biologicals, Inc. PREGNANT? CDCC DrimuiM Tft.tlna Immediate Appointment pay i Eve Lowest Cost In South Fla. Licensed Gyn 8.
Anesthes ploalst General Anesthetic Available Conlidential Counseling WOMEN'S BIRTH CONTROL Dade 940-8200 Brwd 450-MOf, DIVORCE $20.80 Guaranteeg. Free dntailsT Box 791. Pompano FL TCMnD Inulna faro lor your loved ones, delicious meals, LPN A MP 24 hours, 233-6666. 235-9213 PREGNANT? Need Help? -FREE Pregnancy Testing -Immediate Appointments -Terminations Up to 20 Weeks Qualified Licensed Doctors 270-1512 Womens Referral (Non-Prolit A Dedicated since 1972) nlUfeSE board care of elderly In my home lovely yard 6B8-0802 plasma uunuita iu yH, Two Times a week-svo a Month OPEN MON-FRI 9AM-4PM WHm BLOOD S12 CASH Rlnnri Services If nOOR Bus 20-30-14-4) Spgs 885-4955 UJAMTCn FREE haircuts for Tuesday eve nings can tor appointment ot-oiw DC-tlbCJmCMT Allll Pool-game ronm-nlce MP 751-0831 PREGNANT? Lowest Cost In South Florida By Certified Medical Staff 573-3788 WOMEN'S HELP HEALTHY MALES AGE 18-45 Needed for medical research proiect. Must be available to slay in clinic 35 days.
For Their Participation VOLUNTEERS WILL RECEIVE $650 Call weekdays 9 to 5 M.riA Spiritual Reader Advisor 446-9339, 4218 SW 8 ST PREGNANT? LOW COST TERMINATIONS MODERN, PRIVATE OFFICE M.D. GYNECOLOGISTS 673-5272 A I Ins A Non-Profit Orga'nliatiort eocp Mnlr TiiK hv the best I hair Hadnnnrt fnr nnnt 445-2464 HAIR LOSS, thinning .4. receaing ha successfully treatea oy oocior at Hair Health Cenler. Appt 558-54H Dade 467-8760 Brwd HEALTHY MALES Needed for medical research proj ect. Must be avai la Die to siav in cnn- ICIOr 4 OBys ana a munia.
l-or i neir ranicipanon VULUN 1 tcira wiL-u Recieve $225 tjsi-jwo or ftsi-jJi Call weekdays 9 to 3 BUMPER stickers made to order, write your own personal message on one or two lines $1.50 25 cents handling 4 tax. Send check or money oroer ro Durnuai Coney Island Enterprises Box 51304 jax. Ji3U OOii.tavnun wu anteed A1-S0 leilyFte. Smde MYRTLE'S 2J2 St ot Krome. van lomei A1-SS Child Car Hurjeriei BABYSITTING in myhpme 24hr service auc nr.
up a-u In mv home. Cul ler Kioge Area run rinyn niahls or room 1 DOaro weexiy reamnauic opj -4vo r-uil rr mv hnmo NW. Very reliable, uays ix-im r.ARi ps mnihar will care tor In- ranrs. mericuiuu. w-w- CHILD care Mon-Fri ii fants-4 years Mia area 251-1494 cvpppiFNrED babvsittini home, 1539 81 St Hia 821-3849 BABYSITTING my home anylimi reasonable hot meals 8S8-4435 A1-S2 Aula Delivery HIP vnur car.
Member BBB, SHIP YOUR CAR 1 B.t At I riTicc insures CAR (NC. 147 SunnvTsles Blvd NMB I5IB DtVO rflip 945-4104 538-0516 23 SI lB Ship Your Car 3 NEW YORK-NJ-PEN $90 COMPLETE i nw BATES ALL 5TATES.USA ALL GAS PAID, un I tme uenvery ONtY COMPANY WITH OFFICES ALL ALONG YOUR CAR ROUTE ICC 125808-Member Mia of BirfiPd a lie- as. pj ri tn. I 174 Fiagier St 358-1226 YWD-1776 Young Cir 920-1133 FT LAUD 1806 Sunrise 764-32421 Ship Your Car $90 NJ, NY, PA CANADA Our low rates include no extras All gas, oil and tolls JVree ride TO airport 3. Free Pickup A delivery Licensed by ICC MC12565? m-sm Ace Drlveawav Systems Inc.
16810 Collins Ave. MB A1-SB Travel Oapertaailiai TSiucawav CCDUirp MC.17985 Miami 620-7710 Brwd 989-0530 ic.MCUU vnD-CHirAGO 358-1226 AAACON MC125808 ki 538-0516 Dependable MC125978 noiwpe in Aaltle wanted. ICC8989. 940-0644, Brwd 921-2264 ccn rDiwo. I nc Leave Now 861-4405 UI-5096 945 4104 Dependable MC125978 Call Ron Lazaru at Budaet Rent- D.
RENTALS LEASE (01 RENT MOMIS OADC COUNTY 1-02 Ret-HeiMArai02 Key Biscayne Area SERVICE "noanini-ciii Wei CBI inooor-ouiopor htihu, yare roorvarom ca, Sporress, mwueroieir L'1-- v- octa Dcsi tv Broker 661-1548 5824 SW 71 SI, oh- HjI. Sx.Bo. In A. Il-M (ullh separate maid' quarters. Located on Hurricane nfl uw, njasu fji dockage.
Available Jan. 15. $2500 bedroom 1 bath furn, ejulet ttreej, beach club membership. Available uec. ix swv nwnin vawii rtwuifh anniifil CLARKE REAL ESTATE 1 85 W.Enid Broker 3ol-2345 rilwnrra Ppa! Fstale Ctvll Cases H.S.Rose 7000 SW 62 Ave 661-3233 LEGAL SERVICES To Advertise In This Classification CALL 350-2222 For RATES and INFORMATION r.FUFRAI Practice free consults lion by appt reasonable fees.
Ally jonn J. airaoner NO Conlesl Divorce, $75 attorney fee. 573-50)0 LM Shoot, Ally DIVORCE Uncontested. 75, estate closings iro 175, Steven frnm S.175. coroora- lions uoDrotSKV Any, 57-S51t eves weekends 864-298? ARTHUR H.
LIPSON. ATTY aimpie utvorce sou ree eil P(t Willi. Prnhnte Dads 945-5510 Broward DIVORCE $100 FEE Uncontested cost, Brian W.Parls- er Ally 42. NW 27 Ave 64y-iw IMMIGRATION 1 Divorce Mailers Mr. Ramanl Ally.
377-1691 Anytime 'Divorce; Home Closings; Wills WEINST EIN IMANDELL, Attvl rnrnnr nn(. HjinKr idicv 7800 Red Rd S.Miami 641-31 IJ Unurc 9AM In 7PM: Sat 9AM-1PM SIMPLE Divorce M5 Costs. C.K Barnard. Ally. oji-6666 NITICE NOTICE UNDER CirTITinil.l NAME LAW Notice Is hereby given thai fl undersigned, pursuant to Sect; A65.09 Florida Statutes, will resist with the Clerk of the Circuit Court no Tor uaoe v-ountv, rturiya, Ticmious name, to wn: SI-SI Fietitieu Hamat ALMYRA 12345 Dixie Hwv Miami PI Andrew Schu tz WHISPER Escorts 11510 Biscay Blvo Mia warn Bryan owner TAKE'S Tow Service 9230 5W 178 St Mia Herbert p.
jacooson NFCA Portable Chemical Toilet 26140 Dixie Hwy Naranla Fla lUAl.a nhrara OVERSEAS Industrial Promotions a consultant k.u. box aaujie nmo, Tnrna I Rnririaiiir owner PAYLESS Car Rental System 902 NW LeJeuna Rd Miami Fl Air Trio uuimpia 1734 Seventh St. West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Winston Higgins XCLUSIVE-lsland Massage California Dr NMB Cheryl Mill 755 trident Forwarding Service 5900 sw 73 St Mia John Westhorp i i Kant inc. it NE 1 SI Miami Louis Ordonei owner "O'AVlLA Realty 3404 SW 8 St Mia rfa fl AvIIr nunpr "ALL Security System J5500 SW 124 Ave Mia t- 11-40 Trade fohe Swap U-PIC POLE BEANS on Krome, 184 St. Lottie 1-41 last mi Ftuee! while male miniature poodle "Benll" $200 reward area So Bay- Benli tnro I shore A 29 Ave.
Collect 212-532 17 LOST White Lhasa Adso needs nipallnn Vlrlnltv I Country Club Coral tables REWARD 446-5562 LOST Doberman Pinscher red 4 months old In industrial park near Andy's Sandwich Factory Reward Day bve rj-aaa LOST or misslng2 Siberian Husk ma lion as tp whereabouts or relurn 35-2337 unit REWARD Lost vicinity 146 ST 1 Dixie Hwy male cat smoke color wearing tap no 56. call zjB-atai 4tiiA AcuuADn In, raturn nf nnli cal frames and sunglass samples In 3 sultecases missing frorrt autp parkedi ar tain at near Day. 4 i-odoo uuiu- SIOQ LAan rewaro. lusi wniiu hjhw hair female cat, gold eve, 1 blue; eve. 446-6247 8-a40 Cniinrf r.rmin Shepherd oup near Motheson Hammock ee-euj L6ST at 14 Ct 4 69" St Hia small male dog looks like Banli large reward 822-9844 LOST 10 month black female Scot Jerrler Under medical treatment ubstanllal reward 553-2203 alter 3om week days 1 all day weexenos Substantial Reward Black and white Pit Bull puppy lost 10-11 Kendall area 253-0921 or LOST.
Blue Afghan Male 2 years j5W vicinity Kewaro jj-uyjj crM lun nn Turnnike black cocker apaniei i-ya-i ener DOBERMAN, temaie, wnne ime en chest, i months, requires dally medication. Generous reward lor return. Coll 264-0709, 264-ozat L6St Black white cat stubby tal answers to Little Eerl vicinity C. 4XC-J7a LOSt: toy Terrier 16 years vlclnl-ty 13 Ter A BIsc Blvd. while flea col- inr, neao or enve RS7ICE NSTiCE Tha Miami Herald and The Miami News will accept SOCIAL ADS In he Personal Column ONLY under the following conainons: 1) CASH In advance Is required (Z) I i ucdii nd news Box Num bers only to be used for replies, street address, phone number or Post Office Box Number not accept- (j) REPLIES lo Herald end News Box Numbers must be maed to i advertisers.
Replies CANNOT be fs) ALLCSOCIAL ADS MUST CON TAIN 2 POINTS OF INTEREST. We reserve the right to refuse any act tor any reason. St PPL TO MIAMI HERALD and MIAMI NEWS. CLASSIFIED NUMBERS AS FOLLOWS: Miami Herald Mlanni News (USB mi DOX numuei IMMIWBM you are replying to). 41-41 Special etieai Tina-Palm Reading-Advisor also Cards 1448 NW )Q3 5t.
eje-eio. "Dr Davis $100-Hour PREGNANCY WHY PAY MORE? cDTiriicin OHYSICiA PEOPLE'S CARE 576-2299 Will Care for elderly, convalescent, un. mv home 693-45-56 i Talent Auditions Children A Young adults-New Greater Miami Workshop, Sun- i St North Miami Bch: 10AM-4PM 744-i 791 BLOOD BANK $12 633-5391 1675 NW 27 AVE. K.B.I. Blood Bank PREGNANT? LOW COST TERMINATIONS i (THROUGH 20 WEEKS) SAME DAY APPOINTMENT FREE TESTING 1JCENSEO PHYSICIANS Two Medical Facilities Dade: 595-7812 Hollywood: 925-1909 or 945-5724 WOMEN'S CENTERS 26 S.W.
i S.W. 32 i.W. 360th 33 Area of Key Biscsyne Area of Miami Beach, No. Bay Village Atea of Surfside, Bay Hatbor. Bat Harbour, Indian Creek Village Area of Sunny Isles, Golden Beach, Golden Shores Area of North Miami Beach, Sky Lake, Ives Estates Area of North Miami, Biscayne Gardens Area of Miami Shores, Biscayne Park, El Portal Area of Northeast Miami Area of Northwest Miami 06- 07- 08-09-10- n- 11-04 Raat-Htmei Arts 04 Miami Beacn.Nortn Bay Viltaee Area TvryTnnriedTooniath yearly.
Normandy Isle near bay. riniide W.Atkins Realtor 757-3481 wirp house best area Miami Beach. Fla. room, garage. Please rn mIUm- nm oworv day 864-5706 1711 W.
51 St. B. I1-0S Raat-HeBeiAreiOS Surnioo.Boy narnor, Bal HarbooT.lndian Creek VUtaee Area acnoiviu Oath Varu 11-07 Rent-Heam-Arai 07 Area ot Norm Miami aeacn, Sky Lake.lvos Estates BUDGET Saver S350! Well kept home complete with all appliances, alrcond, carpeting, fenced tor kids- 100'SMORE NEWLY decorated In best of areas! Oversized 3 bedrooms with den, carport, new appHances A more iivr, it ncnui i Open 7 days 947-4427 No Fee On This Listing Broker RENT With option 10 ouy Dea- with nDtinn tn I room 2 bath 5400 month 1st A last security 865 Mt 13 ter. S1-0S Reat-Hemei-Arai OS North Miami biscayne Gardens Area 2 BEDROOM home including etli-clency. 1345 NE 140 St.
LARGE 3 bedroom alr-cond car-pet garage $250 kids yard 754-0203 SeieCl-M-niinic n-eiunuauic BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroorn rent option to buy after 4:30 643-6584 NEW decorated, 1 bedroom cot-tage $200, garage, fenced. 754-0203 aeiBCI-ft nuillC lciununui. icq ml cob bFnt ONLY S325! Unbelievable 3 bedroom Dam tn prime lov-aic, an t.a, pets, pertect tor ramiiy or oinyi a Cla-lt Drlro rtahl fnr this 2 bed- room with Fla room, all appliances. SB- r.S" Open 9am-9pm 7 days '17-4427 No ree un i nis Ljsiinw pionci 3 BEDROOM 2 bath unfurn ai cond $325 month 891-9645 891-8262 B1-0S Real heajai-arai OS Miami snores eiscevne rara El Portal Area 7 RPnonnAA Mir-cond. Fla room.
1250, carpet, shaded vara 54-u. INCW UGUIUUIII la. MB kitchen Park. like, dead-end street walk to tchools A lake S32S month eri-uv after 6om Joe or Chris. BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom, alrcond S3Z0 2 batn carporr rence m-uuj aeieCr-W-norne neiunuamp icq 7 AEnRnriAA 1 bath screened patio garage central air 247-4UJ cno OPMT FURN or unfurn $325! Overslied 2 bedroom with den, aircortd, all appli ances, yearry or seasonal rlnM Qam-tom 7 davs Kirscr.
ncfu.1 947-4427 NOHCUTMnriUsririg BroKer 11-10 Raat-Remei-Arti 10 Northeast Miami Area $185 VERY nice 1 bedroom cot tage, carpet, fully furn 754-0203 aeiect-A-nome Kerunuauic ice cno ppnt LOVELY A Quiet 2 bedroom In nice area, turn or unrurn, aircono Hia Largest Selection of: Homes 8. Aots in North Dade Weeklv-Monthlv-Yeerly, We Specieliie in Options to Buy nAn'i A Unui UUilhniit Us! OPEN 9AM-9PM 947-4427, RIKEN REALTY INC. No Fee On This Listing Broker 1-11 Rial-Namii-Araa 11 Northwest Miami Area BRICK 2 bedroom $150 hardwood tioorsatneroom vara woi 3-ytv jetecr--nume iciunuauic i-c Camii ti hprirnnm. recre ation room S200, fenced, pet 754-0203 aeiecr-w-nome igiunuauic icq 4 ftpnonrtM bath $200 month. 18BI NW ar.
laii oj-ojeo t-o 17 U( Tall Altf-36lS BEDROOM 1 balh house 1250, urtticF tnr rnt 7 hdrnnm air- Mnri nr tinfurn fenred vard 3031 NW 87 Terr For information Call 856-4620 Or Qy-J3BJ FOR RENT S200-FAMILY siied 2 "eedroom hnm with 7 oorches a I aoo hances fenced yard children A pets welcome RIKEN REALTY INC Open 7 days No Pee un nis uisring prur-gr 1-12 Rant Heaiei Area 12 Northwest county, normsioo, Jr Cofleee North Area 1200, garage, fenced, kids. 754-0203 Select-A-nome neiunuauic ice BEDROOM house S. 2 lots 8J6-3iy BEbRObM 2 bath living, dining A family rooms, 10340 NW 33 Avei $315 1- '-0790 eves HIDF-A-WAY iinimio home with beautiful gardens for artist or spiritual community or person who enioys a non electric life Aclrlna tAO mnnthlv with OD- lion to buy. Cell Doris Montgomery ASSOC. eves OOJ-JO, I rveve.
bo roai- tors wl- 'e 1-13 ReMienni-Arii 11 Norland, Andover, sierra. Lake luceRne area JBEDROOM 2 balh screened back porch back yard $375 month Miami Gardens area 696-2830 etc A ITICI II Knm tnr rant ftr will sell witn onty sw gown Llfter'i Lake Lucerne Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 Beth Homes 2500 NW 204 St 2415 NW 207 St iTUeJiu Pe it i3T Open 7 davs 9-6 Call 625-55M LARGE A hartrntirn ki kids A pelt okay days 373-5368 eves. 923-9736. MODERN 3 bedroom, dining room S280 shade trees carport 754-0411 SPiect-A-Home Refundable fee 1-14 Reat-Heaiei-Arei 14 Caret city, fyiyme weye mrwm llTaTpetedTedroom fenced lot S250 ly bath den kids 754-0203, Select-A-Home Refundable fee CALL CLASSIFIED 350-22H 8 03 Miami N.I. Miami N.W.
Miami S.I. Miami S.W. Miami Saoch Minii Dada Community Colloeo North 11 Miami Dodo Community Coflogo South 2 Miami lakes Miami Shores Myrtle Grove Norland 8 North lay Villago (3 North Miami 16 09 14 13 04 Ol 07 15 North Miami Boacn Opa-locka Palm Springs North Ponnsuce Porrino Sierra South Miami Sunny Isles Surlfldo Swootwator Univorilty Miami Virginia Gardens Woftchecter Wast flool.r Woit Miami 16 1 37-2 IS 24 06 OS 2S 21 1 IS 25 21 Area of Coconut Grove, Miami Area of Coral Gables Area of West Miami, South Miami Area ol WestcriesterDadelantJ -West FlaglerSweetwater Area of Southwest Dade County Area of Kendall-Perrine Cutler Ridge Area of Kendall-Perrine West Area of Goulds-Princeton Area of Homestead-Florida City-Redlands Area of Dade County-South Area of Elliott Key Islandia 11-27 Rent-HtiMJ-Afe. 21 Kendall-Perrine-Curler RidoeAree 2 BEDROt very private )M I bath, bio b99SW 110 St. 251-8873 unucc cno prMT NICE, clean 4 bedroorn on canaL central air, appliances, huge fenced yard, many extras, a steal Largest Choice of Rental Hornet Inc.
Broker 7 wo ree un una luii AL SERVH Short term lease available on this 3 bedroom POOL Available nowl Sunset In All SW Areas South Dade Rental Specialists BETA pfai TV Broker 661-1548 CAr.A AAV Vacant 4 bedroom 2 bath, pool fenced etc S695 By owner avj-azw i ncnennut 1 Rnlh lQ46d SW 202 Terrace 2va. avt-iau RANCHER 3 bedroom 2 bath, garage alr-cond, shade trees. 754-0203 i Select-A-Home Refundable fee "4 BEDROOM 2 bath, cabana, screened In pool A patio, carport, secluded vord. Only S475 monthly at 19801 Eagle Nest Road 251-7474 or 251-7575 or 238-0185 BEAUTIFULLY landscaped acre 4 bedroom 3 both, pool A SW 67 Ave $1.05 667-262! edroom 3 bath, pool a. oar.
11101 Homes in New Neiohborhood. Each: 3 bedrooms, l.bafhs, family Ktn aero. $550. Take '97 Ave South, left on 12 SI. to tzua aw ya open j-o.
BELAIRE 9211 SW 184 Terr. 3 Bedroom 2 bath, central air, all appliances Including washer A dryer. Garage, huge fenced lot, available Dec, 1. IJya rer monrn -lu Clmnn Pa. tor 666-8858 After Hours 448-1220 S1-2S Rent-Hames-Arei 2S Area et Kenaan-rerrine West cyprimVF HOAAE en-all appliances patio family room-2 car garage-unrurn, lenieu back yard, $550.
P.M. Fine area. Call 274-8185 LUSCIOUS TREAT Lovely 3 Bedroom 2 bath, Fla room, garage, an vz fiiereiy leiikcu wiiu it' roolcal $500 month. Call Squires Assoc After hours 238-8406 a RtrrtDDr)M7 hnlh. family room.
fireplace, walk to schools. S360 per monrn zdj-iwi veniuro juwh ichi tv Realtor FREE RENTAL SERVICE Large home priced within the Family Budget. 3 Bedrooms, den-garage. Ttomes in All SW Areas C. ran DantMl Cnsrialltli.
BETA REALTY Broker 661-1548 AIR-COND 3 bedroom CBS fenced lot S290 carpet patio pet 754-02U3 Select-A-Home Refundable fee enp PF KIT cri i men 3 hedmnm. den. air- cond, all appliances, fenced for kids pels, oesr locale, ipw rem: RIKEN REALTY far 7 davs 9-9nm Inc. Broker 7 days 9-9pm 443-3836 No Fee On This Listing! IV. ACRE Ideal Nursery-Horses, 2 Deoroomi uain siuvc, noici er $300 First-Last A Security.
11490 SW 93 5t. 73S-6iU D1-35 BROWARD COUNTY 11-43 Renf-Homti-Afii 43 Area of Fort Lauaeraaw LUXURY Ft Laud Beach House, pool, garape, rurn ov i D1-4S Rul-Homis-Area 4S HoHvwooo Area caaaii 3 bed- room Wi carpers, carpo, .5., Do.llu hit Iha Ijaraest selec tion of homes, apts, duplexes in S. Ha. All areas-pnuca-i Open am-9pm 7 dvs 947-44271 rvo reeyn 1 ni iisnny (02 HINT APARTMENTS AMD CONDOMINIUMS I DADE COUNTY 2-02 Renl-Ait-Cenees-Arei 02 P.OV Dtscavne Mroa TTucTTlOKI Dv nwrnitr Lnrae 1 bed room 2 both with carpeted screened balcony. New paint A carpet.
Heated r-OOI. Across srreer ir yrii dwh AH, ilt nnlu nn nets. 2 Wa k- ClOS- ets. Excellenl value. $600 per month 36I-34UB nrFAM n.lnyp 7 Redrnom 2 bath tennis monthly-yearly 361-9077 WCSV nlf-a 7 haHmnltl 1 bath screened palio, partly furn, Galen Dr.
Swimming pool pool 8, sauna. Sorry-adults, no pets, reasonable at $475. Call 361-V2CV or e-4oe r-Aca nFi MAR 24th floor. 2 bedroom .2 bath fully! furn, both ocean 1. skyline view; available Jan.
1. monrn-month mlnlmurrt LUAKKc. Itcai. csinic 5 W. Enid Broker 361- 1-2345! nAi ki noiuF nt fnr rent bedroom, 2 bath, call evenings or weekends 276-raw, aa-iii FitRN ar unfurn year month option 2 bedroom step peacn CASA Dei Mar unturn.
2-Bedroom 7 batn. oen, ocean view, sauna, $850 month, yearly 361-7328 I ARr.F bedroom apt with or with out furniture Immediate occupancy. Also on a monrn pons jjo-j it, Di.inD,Mir Uiw. 9 herirnom bath, fully furn, corner. Available for.
annual or a rnonm tnio DroRer r-i ADwff tOP OltALITY' Selection of 1 A 2 bedroom furn apts for season or annual rent CL.AKK.fc KCAU CJtnic 85 W. Enid Broker 361-2345 2-04 RMt-Apt-Ceaeei-Arii 04 Miami Beach North Bay VHIaoo Area ONLY $35 a week-air cond APTS FOR RENT 100'S TO CHOOSE FROM. weekiy-Monrniy-Teariy All Areas-All Sizes-All Prices Save i Call Toda tiro! Irm A Ctt Relax loniont night RIKEN REALTY IN ItmJum 1 rl.vl .1177 No Fee On This Listing Broker UNFURN 1 bedroom all comforts 1225 month 619 Euclid Ave. MB or 674-988 1 eves LOVELY 2 Bedroom 2 bath wide 7i Bay All Luxuries 7945 East Dr 325-0462 or 756-5758 UNFURN. large 2 bedroom, 2 batn apt.
close to beecnes. bus at ooor, $250 per month call 866-8948. CDNNAHO' APARTMENTS "A RECIPE FOR LUXURIOUS LIVING AT PALATABLE PRICES' 403 FROM 1 bedroom convertible, 2 bedroom: apts. beautifully furn. for season.
Call, Arlen King Cole Dev. Broker Sandy, Managed By the THE COMPANY "The People People" County Line Road Weal ot U.S. 441 North Miami, Florida 33169 651-A773 jaCOOS, ASSOC. BOB- 1441 1-1 BFDROOM 1 efficiencies. pool 1441 Lincoln M-7o04 Season-Month-Week oeuruum bivii, peach, elevator RayzeiH 1434 Cotlms 1 (W.J.U..
m.l-A-A, cicygiLii iw WATERFRONT Luxury Hl-rise. 1 bedroom Vi bath aHfr--enltles Bell isle $450 lease 532-) we -I CALL CLASSIFIED ISA-Wl 4.